Tax Time Webinar 2018

Would you like to learn 10 tips to legally maximise your tax deductions & minimise the chance of an ATO audit?

People don’t know what they don’t know and they blindly sign tax returns not understanding they may be losing money, or what they can claim, because their accountant didn’t tell them and they didn’t know to ask.

Well, all that changes now. Knowledge is power and I want you to know what you can and can’t claim and why, so you can be in control and get the best result this financial year.

I am hosting an urgent webinar TODAY – Wednesday 20th June – to share everything you need to know to legally reduce your tax and achieve the best tax refund possible this tax time. You will learn what the most common mistakes people make on tax returns are and money left on the table from missing legitimate tax deductions.


Live Webinar – Register Now

Would you like to learn 10 tips to legally maximise your tax deductions & minimise the chance of an ATO audit?


The Federal Government also recently announced hundreds of millions of dollars in additional funding to the ATO to audit and investigate people’s tax returns this year. This is very serious and accurate accounting records will be more critical than ever before. At best, errors can cost money. At worst, they can land an innocent person in hot water with the ATO. It is important to understand what commonly claimed deductions the ATO is cracking down on, your eligibility to claim these, and what records you need to keep to prove your claim in the event of an audit.This webinar will help YOU to get up to speed fast on how to safely reduce your tax. You will learn:

  • What you need to do now to take advantage of recent tax changes?
  • How to reduce this year’s tax with deductions that many accountants overlook?
  • How to avoid an ATO audit and what records you will need to keep?
  • What income and expenses the ATO will be focusing their audits on? (Hint – almost everything!)

There are limited places available for this webinar so that we can keep it interactive and relevant for you. Register now to avoid disappointment.


We have to two time slots available:
1. WEDNESDAY 20th June 2018 at 12:00PM – 1:00PM (ACST) OR
2. WEDNESDAY 20th June 2018 at 
7:00PM – 8:00PM (ACST)


Live Webinar – Register Now


Your host for this webinar will be the award winning Tax Specialist, Miriam Holme. Miriam has helped thousands of people across Australia save money, reduce tax and create wealth. For the last 8 years Miriam has worked exclusively with small to medium sized businesses and individuals helping them to maximise their tax refunds and legally reduce tax.

To get in touch, call Miriam at Fab Tax on 1300 541 777 or email;

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